Visiting SWM
“Blessed be God the Word, who came to his own and his own received him not, for in this way God glorifies the stranger. O God, show us your image in all who come here today, so that we welcome them and you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
-Welcome from our “Big Sister” church, House for All Sinners and Saints
As of June 13, 2021, we are meeting for liturgy in person indoors. We are following CDC guidelines for in-person gatherings. All participants of any SWM offering regardless of age or vaccination status are required to mask while in the building. We ask that if you feel sick, please stay home to help keep others safe.
We will continue to offer a Zoom link for those who cannot make it in person,and liturgies will be streamed via Facebook Live.
If you are looking for a church home, or just seeking to take your next step in your spiritual practice, we invite you to visit us for liturgy, to share in love that is the community of God, and find ways to meaningfully connect. We have an open table where all are invited to receive communion.
We now offer two Sunday liturgies! At our 10am gathering, our Children's Community meets during the service for about 35 minutes, before rejoining the community for Eucharist. We also offer nursery care for non-school age children. We offer a coffee and snack time after service outside in the yard.
At 5pm, we are unable to offer child care at this time, but we welcome children of all ages to participate in liturgy, and also have couches in the back of the sanctuary where they can hang if needed.
Contact us
General Email: mnickolo@gmail.com
If you have any questions, please email us! You can also Rev Matthew at 585-746-3048.
However, the best way to learn more about our community is to just show up and see for yourself! And if church is not your thing yet, we’d love to help you connect with one of our Cell Groups, Mindful Vespers, Dharma Recovery, Food Not Bombs, or any of the other amazing communities that help make up the Mission!