Mindful Vespers:
Interspiritual Practice at the Intersection of Music and Mindfulness
Please note that during the summer, Mindful Vespers will follow a more ad hoc schedule. Check our Facebook Page for updates and for posts containing updated practices. We’ll look forward to regathering in the Autumn.
Click to explore past practices on YouTube
If you’d like to join an email list, or have ideas for upcoming practices, contact Greg Woodsbie at gregwooodsbie@gmail.com.
Autumn 2021: Wednesdays – 8pm EST
Zoom, Facebook Live and In Person
A new inter-practice offering at SWM, co-curated by Greg Woodsbie (dance accompanist, SUNY Brockport) and Pr Matthew Nickoloff, Mindful Vespers seeks to create space to explore the intersections of music, meditation and mindfulness in community.
Drawing on a variety of traditions, both religious and secular, as well as on the insights of neuroscience and the unique perspectives of the practice and enjoyment of music, each week will seek to both provide an actual time of practice, as well as build a stronger scaffolding for understanding.
Some weeks will feature guest musicians and teachers, and after each practice we’ll host a 30 minute time of conversation and connection.
If you’re interested in participating, or have a suggestion for a guest practitioner, contact gregwoodsbie@gmail.com or mnickolo@gmail.com.